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Pearce Butcher, owner and principal designer at Pearce B Designs, is dedicated to creating artful spaces that her clients live their lives in.



About this Designer

I’m Pearce Butcher, owner and principal designer at Pearce B Designs. As a child I loved being immersed in nature and also loved all things creative… so when I discovered I could make a career out of designing the outdoors, I knew I’d found my niche. Landscape Design is a unique field of study that combines science, art, problem solving, and human psychology. As sculptors create art out of a mass for the viewer to move around, we create art out of the void for the viewer to walk though. We, as designers, have the privilege of leaning into our clients needs and desires, and finding the best use of their space through careful study and observation.

1:1  Virtual Video Consultation

with Pearce Butcher

Pearce can't wait to connect with you over video and discuss your project. She can support and guide your design decisions and direction, and answer all of your questions!
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1 hr


Private Consultation

Areas of Expertise 

Spatial Layout

Book Your Video Chat with Pearce Butcher today.

Client Experience with Pearce

"I smile every time I pull into my driveway! Thank you for your thoughtful and colorful design"

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Book Your Video Chat with Pearce Butcher today.

Frequently Asked Client Questions

Q: Where should I locate my pool?
A: I want to really look at your property to determine the best location based on foot trafic floor in and out of the home, angle of the sun, views to the neighbors, and slope of the yard.

Q: How can I add more parking without it looking tacky?
A: a well designed parking court will have the feel and an upscale estate if proportioned well.

Q: How can I dress up the front of my house and add more curb appeal?
A: using the basic principles of design: order, repetition, scale, balance... and choosing the right plant for the right location.

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